Perkins - Give Kids The World

Community Involvement

“Charity Begins at Home.” That’s why Perkins Restaurant & Bakery supports Give Kids The World®, a nonprofit organization that fulfills dream wish vacations to Central Florida for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families from around the world. This loving, compassionate and nurturing charity embodies so much of what is valued at Perkins: families coming together to make joyous memories.

Perkins is dedicated to helping make special memories at Give Kids The World® Village, a 79-acre, nonprofit “storybook” Village where visitors are treated to weeklong, cost-free fantasy vacations, complete with accommodations in the Village’s whimsical villas, transportation, donated attraction tickets, meals, and much more.

Perkins Restaurant and Bakery has supported GKTW since 1989 and opened the one-of-a-kind Gingerbread House Restaurant in 1990 where more than 5.5 million delicious, complimentary meals have been served to the 148,000 wish families that Give Kids The World® has hosted from all 50 states and 76 countries. Thanks to the fundraising efforts and generosity of its employees, franchisees, vendors and guests Perkins is able to do something special for families who are faced with very unique challenges.